Theme Sections

Sections are the building blocks of your homepage. Within each section, you can easily add, reorder, and remove blocks of content such as products, slideshows, videos, or collections.

Edit Sections?

Sections are easy to add, move, hide, and remove - if you wish to undo or redo the changes that you make within your sections, use the arrows at the top of the page.

Adding Sections

To add a section, go to the left-hand menu and scroll down to Add section.

Moving a Section

To move a section, simply drag and drop it into a new position in the section menu.

Changing Section Visibility

If you wish to take your section off your storefront without removing it permanently, select the eye icon to change its visibility.

Removing a Section

To remove a section, select the content block to expand the section. Then, click the ellipsis in the top right-hand corner, and select the Remove section.

Global Sections

To add a new Section: Click Add section and select the desired one from the dropdown menu.


With 2 columns and multiple rows, you can add images, text, and links.

At the top of the page and you can add the text.

Will display the latest articles from the selected blog.


Include video, product, collection, and slideshow (Refer to the Shopify feature).

Collapsible content

Is a component that organizes content within collapsable items (Refer to the Shopify feature).

Collection List

Show collections fron your store (Refer to the Shopify feature).

Contact Form

contact form sends all submissions to the Sender email address of your store (Refer to the Shopify feature).

Custom Liquid

Use this section to inject Liquid code inside your theme (Refer to the Shopify feature).

Email Signup

Subscribe to emails (Refer to the Shopify feature).

Will display the latest products from the selected collection.

Use the section to advertise and promote a selection of products from a collection on a store page.

Featured Product

You can add a section that features a specific product (Refer to the Shopify feature).

Image Banner

A banner allowing for a full-screen width image, You can custom content & buttons (Refer to the Shopify feature).

Image with Text

Will display an image alongside a title, text, and button (Refer to the Shopify feature).

More Article

Will display the latest articles from the selected blog category (Refer to the Shopify feature).

With multiple columns per row, you can add an image, content, and button.


Show a specific page (Refer to the Shopify feature).

Rich Text

Adds formatted text with headings to a page (Refer to the Shopify feature).


Adds formatted text with headings to a page (Refer to the Shopify feature).

Use the section to display a series of shapes on a store page, with embedded media.

Last updated